The Barney Planter Trust
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The aims of the charity are:
(1) The prevention or relief of poverty by promoting the use of the precision planting tool known as the Barney Planter, in particular for use by small scale farmers in developing countries.
(2) The advancement of environmental protection and improvement by promoting the practise of conservation agriculture and sustainable development
Both of the above are with the intention of providing financial, health and environmental benefits by increased yield and soil conservation.
The Barney PlanterThe Barney Planter, shown here, was developed by Barney Muckle, Naro Moru, Kenya. It is designed to give very small scale farmers the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of conservation agriculture, previously not available to them.
CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE is a method of farming that eliminates the need of ploughing. This simple change brings many advantages to the farmer. As well as the link above, an explanation of these advantages can be found HERE.
The Barney Planter can be made cheaply with locally available materials and skills. The use of the planter reduces fertiliser requirements while increasing yields. The planter is designed to be used by women.
Barney Planter Trust trains local metal workers how to make the Barney Planter. This involves providing a clear understanding of the purpose of the planter, plans, costings and jig-making.
Barney Planter Trust teaches women how to use the planter. This is done in the field by practical demonstration to women's groups. After training, the participants are given a planter, seed and fertilizer to help them make a start at conservation agriculture.
Barney Planter Trust seeks funds to finance the above activities.
If you would like to help our charity please use the button below to make a secure donation via CAF Bank